Submit A PSA
How to Submit a PSA
All Public Service Announcement requests should be presented in writing via email to at least three (3) weeks in advance of the event. Please do not send attachments or posters. Your information should include:
- Email your PSA in script form to (no attachments)
- PSA should be either :30 seconds or :60 seconds in length
- Please submit PSA at least three (3) weeks before the event
- Make sure your PSA includes:
- Name of the event
- Information about the event
- Address where the event will be held
- Day of the week and time of the event
- Contact phone number and website address
- Cost of event and any registration requirements
If you don’t have email, you may mail your request to:
New Hampshire Gospel Radio10 Ferry St. Suite 424
PSA Policy
New Hampshire Gospel Radio is pleased to serve the whole body of Christ within our listening region. We welcome requests for public service announcements (PSAs) of special ministries and events of the local churches. Such churches must agree with the station’s published doctrinal statement.
NHGR may decline PSA requests that management deems to be inappropriate for broadcast by this station.
PSA privileges will also be extended by management to worthy non-ministry community events and programs within the area of the NHGR listenership and deemed appropriate for promotion by this station.
Christian ministry events not specifically sponsored by and accountable to one or more of our local churches will not receive the PSA promotional privileges of New Hampshire Gospel Radio. Exceptions may be made only by approval of the Board of Directors based upon its knowledge of and confidence in the sponsor. (3/2001)